Something In Me
Ann Weiser-Cornell, author of 'The Power of Focusing' (1996) and 'Focusing in Clinical Practice' (2013) developed this technique. It has two goals: to separate oneself from the overwhelming emotion (also known as being 'hijacked') and to develop a relationship with the internal parts of self.
To find out more about her truly transforming approach checkout her website:
A Compassionate View
This technique is particularly helpful if you struggle with anxiety and panic. Sensing the anxiety in your body and viewing it as a frightened part of you rather than your enemy will help you calm 'it' and yourself!


Guided Relaxation - 9 min
This 9 minute guided meditation exercise (with background music) begins with a relaxation technique known as 'diaphragmatic breathing. It then continues with a 'body scan' - gradually noticing and relaxing your body muscles and concludes with a visualisation that aims to lift your mood! I hope you emerge fully relaxed and rejuvinated after this excersise!

Guided safe space visualisation - 12 min
Sometimes we just need to get away from all the stresses and worries. This guided visualisation exercise takes you to a place that is tailored just for you! To a place where the only limit is your imagination!